Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Monday's Gregalogue from the Daily Gut

So in a recent AP column, Michael Blood says it's up to Andrew Breitbart to prove that Tea Partiers didn't yell the N-word in Washington last Sunday.

He writes:

"Conservative columnist Andrew Breitbart disputed accounts that tea party activists in Washington shouted racial epithets at black members of Congress amid the health care debate, although he didn't provide any evidence."

Although he didn't provide any evidence."

Okay, this would be funny if it wasn't so slimy.

I mean, first of all - The burden of proof is on the person making the accusation. And get this: Breitbart put up 100 grand, to be donated to the United Negro College Fund - if anyone provided evidence. So far, nothing - which is why the AP writer, is left grasping for brain cells.

Look, this debate is basic: it's small government vs. big government. So how cowardly do folks like Blood and Frank Rich have to be that they can't man up and defend their love for collectivism? The only reason they scream race, is because that debate scares them. They know a racial accusation prevents dialogue, because such a harmful charge far outweighs any benefits of winning an argument.

But next time someone says it's about race, Simply say, "Is that all you got?" and then ask them these five questions:

1. How could adding 32 million people to the health rolls SAVE us money?

2. How is hiring 14,000 new IRS Agents to enforce this NOT an expansion of government?

3. How can you be considered a "child" for the sake of health care until you are 26 years old?

4. How is forcing everyone to buy something constitutional?

5. How could there be no tort reform in this?
If they respond "you're just asking that because he's black," then respond with, "you're just saying it because I'm hot."

Then take their wallet.

Say you're "spreading the wealth around."

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Sen. Harry Reid Buys a Car

Sen. Reid goes to a local GM dealer in Washington , D.C. with the intention of buying a brand new vehicle. Harry looks around and finds one he likes.

After going back and forth with the salesman, Harry settles on a price of $45,000.

Harry and the salesman go back to the office to complete the paperwork. Harry works out a 4-year payment plan, and signs on the bottom line.

The salesman shakes Harry's hand and says, "Thanks Senator Reid, the car will be ready for pickup in 4 years."

Harry says, "What are you talking about? Where are the keys to my new car?"

The salesman replies, "No, you don't understand Senator. You make payments for 4 years... THEN we give you the car. You know, just like your health care plan".

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Economics, Greece and John Galt

From Herb Daniels, Politics Bourd chief editorial writer.

United States President Jed Bartlett in the television program West Wing was an economist. We can't say the same thing about our current political leaders. Greece, creators of noble Deities from bygone era's, has had a bad run lately with Zeus-lite, chief economic Diety of Drachma. The mythical turns to reality this week as the world turns to Greece.

Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou said there was "zero possibility" of Greece leaving the euro zone. "One thing is for sure," he said. "We will not go to the market again with these barbaric interest rates because this is a recipe for bankruptcy.

"Increasing pressure on the European Union, Greece may seek financial help from the International Monetary Fund over the April 2-4 Easter weekend if no detailed rescue plans are forthcoming from the EU, a senior Greek official said Thursday.

"We still want a solution within the European Union, but it doesn't look good," the official said. "If there is no clear support at the EU summit on March 25, we will have to decide where to go next," he said. "There are a number of scenarios on the table, but the most prominent one is the IMF."

Prime Minister George Papandreou is "in steady contact with" IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the official added. The IMF, which has been giving Greece technical assistance on the debt crisis, has said it stands ready to help.

Mr. Papandreou said Thursday he has talked to the IMF as high interest rates are wiping out the steps Greece is taking to reduce its debt levels. The steps Greece is taking are those that would have been mandated by the IMF, he told the European Parliament. "They would ask nothing more," he said. "We have the worst of the IMF" without the benefits of an IMF loan, he said. Louka Katseli, told local media Wednesday the chance of going to the IMF was 70%.

Greece's debt crisis—the government last year admitted to a budget deficit of 12.7% of gross domestic product, triple the EU limit—has spooked global markets in recent months, battering the euro on worries that Athens might default and that contagion could spread to other indebted euro-zone economies like Spain and Italy.

Despite Greece's series of painful budget-cutting tax increases and spending cuts that have caused mass protests, investors demand a yield of some 3 percentage points higher for Greek 10-year bonds than for German bonds. Greece, which has sold €18 billion ($24.73 billion) worth of bonds out of this year's total borrowing needs of €54 billion, must redeem some €22 billion of bonds in April and May.

"Germany would be open to an intervention" by the IMF if euro-zone countries deemed it "a one-time necessity.""The rift with Germany is widening instead of narrowing," the senior official said. "There is an increasing belief in the government that the IMF will be the only solution."

Now, this writer recognize there is a lot of data and information in this editorial opinion and a short attention span and a real job to return too is not helpful in earning our learning time. But let's read a few hundred more words before we go to our power point slide shows. What does this data and information mean to me?

The US$ is falling and has fallen against the European Union euro. The EU monetary position is that Greece isn't keeping its end of the agreement by failing to meet agreed upon financial conditions. EU countries, especially the Germans, don't want to prop us Greece.

The IMF meanwhile is partially funded by the US Government by over $35 billion dollars annually, according to the information from the IMF website shown at the end of this opinion.

The US Government has over 20% of its debt held by China and another 20% plus of its debt held by Japan. The US Government now has a 1.2 trillion dollar shortfall or deficit of incoming US$ to outgoing US$. In addition, the underlying States in United States of America has a trillion dollar shortfall in meeting their commitments to former government workers in pensions and health care benefits.
Now, knowing the US$ is falling, Americans are deep in long-term debt, Americans owe more in short-term debt than what we make, and the US makes less than what we spend, then what is our action?

We tax our citizens at higher rates, we borrow more from a less-than-human-rights friendly communist government, former foe's, and we still contribute $35 billion dollars a year to the International Monetary Fund. The IMF can then bail out a heavily socialistic government with a dependent citizenry with a government who has knowingly falsified their records and reneged on their commitments to their neighbors in the EU.

Where is the imaginary economist President Jed Bartlett? I believe he's having a great time in discussion with another imaginary economist named John Galt. Perhaps the less than imaginary politicians Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Mr. President, Charlie Crist, David Patterson, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jeannie Granthem and others could schedule to attend the imaginary Webinar of this meeting.

Until an imaginative American leader comes to the light with an answer to why we do this, I am flummoxed (that's right, flummoxed). Knowing we have a falling US$ to the Euro and we're deep in debt, how can we still justify contributing to the IMF $35 billion dollars a year and more to "throw around" to prop up countries centuries old?

May that Greece has learned something from Zeus-lite that there is a future in "beg thy neighbor" to continue to strengthen my friends. Then my neighbor will be weak and my friends will be strong, When the European Community is not willing to finance its own member and another US$35 billion dollars is gone this year alone from our diminishing "lock-box" then what happens?

Our lenders, Japan and China, will they be stronger? Yes. Where is their incentive to "make nice" with a bankrupt America whose defense spending will likely decline to EU levels? Where then will the US$ go to "beg thy neighbor" for our people when the cookie jar of our largest societal segment of baby boomer American taxpayers goes empty?

It is time we reexamine our commitment to the IMF and allow Japan or China to step forward to fund the rescue of Greece from itself.

Based on the history of punishment for borrower defaults to the IMF it is no big deal to default on IMF debt. It's time to test whether a default to China is a big deal or not. This writer would rather Greece be the recipient of aid from the Chinese government. The Greeks would then experience the wrath, or not, of the Chinese if they default. America will then know our fate and our consequences when or if the US$ ever decides to default or devalue our currency reducing the value of our debt to the Chinese.

This writer imagined that if he attended the imaginary Webinar between John Galt and President Jed Bartlett that the opinions of John Galt would please the mighty Zeus-lite.

Parts of this opinion and information was excerpted from an article in the Wall Street Journal on 3/17/2010— Patrick McGroartyin Berlin and Carolyn Henson in Brussels contributed to this article.

Below: IMF Home Page, courtesy of Bing.

United States: Financial Position in the International Monetary Fund as of February 28, 2010

Summary of IMF members’ quota, reserve position, SDR holdings, outstanding credit, recent lending arrangements, projected payments due to the IMF, and monthly historical transactions with the Fund.

I. Membership Status: Joined: December 27, 1945; Article VIII
II. General Resources Account: SDR Million %Quota
Quota 37,149.30 100.00
Fund holdings of currency 29,620.06 79.73
Reserve Tranche Position 7,530.50 20.27
Lending to the Fund
Notes Issuance

Holdings Exchange Rate
III. SDR Department: SDR Million %Allocation
Net cumulative allocation 35,315.68 100.00
Holdings 36,882.24 104.44
IV. Outstanding Purchases and Loans: None

V. Latest Financial Arrangements: None
VI. Projected Payments to Fund 1/

(SDR Million; based on existing use of resources and present holdings of SDRs):

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
2.64 2.64 2.64 2.64 2.64
2.64 2.64 2.64 2.64 2.64

1/ When a member has overdue financial obligations outstanding for more than three months, the amount of such arrears will be shown in this section.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The way it is

From a friend of mine:

The gap between what U.S. States have saved and what they have promised to retired public workers for pension and health care benefits. States have saved $2.35 trillion of the 3.35 trillion owed to workers.

Source: The Pew Center on the States

Editorial Comment: Last time I read the City of Clearwater newspaper it was deeper than it's elbows in shortfall of savings for promises and commitments. Why would anyone expect their property tax burden to be reduced in an older city when this hard cost will comes due at the expense of people who never received the services?

See Oldsmars 93 per cent defeat of its proposed acquisition of the East Lake Corridor (unincorporated Pinellas County). The Oldsmar fight to annex our 3600-3800 residential homes (Lansbrook) was to make up for Oldsmars shortfall in meeting its substantial fixed obligations of which a substantial portion is for former public worker retiree benefits for Oldsmar workers, one of our older communities.

It's also my understanding from my read of a Wall Street Journal article yesterday that America is tapping our Social Security bonds for the first time to pay for recipients, which translates to less money coming in to social security than going out in benefits.

Hi, I'm Charlie Crist, Republican Governor in Florida. I'm from the government, I'm here to help.

How about a $90 million dollar high school in Venice, Florida?

How about a multi-billion dollar transient railroad system run by Union workers?

How about a multi-million dollar baseball stadium? ...or football stadium?

The Florida House Republican proposal to create bathroom monitors in all of Florida's public schools to make sure kids aren't bullied there will create jobs?

Let's create artificial prices for sugar about twice that of the free market price for our campaign contributors, it's a hidden cost that's certainly regressive but who really understands regressive tax structure anyway?

How about me shutting up and getting back to work because somebody has to pay these charges.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I could have guessed

For years, commentators have been saying that the New Orleans Saints were so bad at playing football that hell would freeze over before they would ever win the Super Bowl. Well on Sunday, February 7, 2010 the Saints won the Super Bowl.
On that same Sunday, Washington D.C. was paralyzed under several feet of snow and the Federal Government was shut down.
Well, at least we now know where hell is located.