Monday, August 26, 2013

27 wrongs don't make a right.

Ayo Kimathi of Obama’s DHS has been prepping blacks for a ‘race war.’ I guess he didn’t get the memo as it’s already started. Below are just a few examples of blacks targeting ‘evil whitey’ just since the Trayvon Martin shooting last year. You’ll notice it started in April of 2012. That’s whenNBC deceptively edited the 911 call with Zimmerman on the night of the shooting to make him look bad. NBC’s deceptive edit of Zimmerman’s 911 call occurred in April of 2012. Right about the time you saw the spike in black on white violence.:
After arrest of Zimmerman:

April 2012 Ohio – Elderly white man Dallas Watts beaten by six juveniles in Ohio while they yelled – THIS IS FOR TRAYVON
April 2012 Chicago –
Two black teen beat up a white male in because “they were mad about Trayvon Martin case”
April 2012 Gainesville, Florida –
5 to 8 could blacks attack white man leaving permanent damage to face while yelling Trayvon
April 2012 Baltimore –
Black mob beats white tourist in Baltimore – crowd laughs and steals his belongings
April 2012 Arizona –
Black male shoots and kills 29 year old ‘white-Hispanic’ Daniel Adkins who had mental capacity of a 12-year-old
April 2012 Oklahoma –
Tyrone Woodfork beats to death elderly couple – rapes 85 year old woman
May 2012 Texas -
Black man Matthew Lee Johnson robs, sets 76 year old Nancy Harris on fireshe died from her injuries
May 2012 Texas – Antowann Davis takes butcher knife stabs 29 year old Martha Jones at Target store in Dallas
May 2012 Georgia –
Black mob of three beats to death Marine and Iraq War Veteran
May 2012 Virginia – Mob of between 30-100 black teens brutally beat white male and female reporters
May 2012 Tampa Florida – Four blacks beat and rob young U.S. Army soldier
June 2012 Georgia – Two black teens allegedly stab to death white pizza delivery woman and mother.
July 2012 Indiana –
24-year-old Jacqueline Gardner (Mother of two) ‘allgedly’ killed by three blacks over $85 tip money
July 2013 Georgia –
Joshua Chellew beaten, killed by four blacks
After not guilty verdict for Zimmerman:
July 2013 Baltimore –
Blacks yell ‘This is for Trayvon’ beat up Hispanic in Baltimore
July 2013 Houston – Blacks assault white grandmother in Houston during Trayvon protests
July 2013 South Carolina – Marley Lion 17 year old shot to death by four black gangbagers for no reason
July 2013 Connecticut –
Five or six black teens for the savage beating of a New Haven Connecticut businessman, steal scooter
July 2013 Maryland –
3 black thugs beat, rob white man in Maryland yelling this is for Trayvon Martin
These black thugs aren’t the only ones who should be blamed in all this. The liberal biased media wanted a race war, and now they got one. Only problem is, one side is fighting it. I blame Hollywood hacks like Jammie Foxx who bragged about ‘how cool it was to kill white people.’ Less than a week after Foxx made his stupid comments, Adam Lanza went out and killed innocent children at Sandy Hook Elementary school. Then you have the racial grievance industry with CEOs of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Their entire lifestyle and income is based on ginning up phony racial tension. Obama of course tries to stir the racial pot whenever he thinks it will benefit him. Anyone who dares disagree with Obama on anything is automatically branded a racist. But lets not forget the corrupt liberal progressive biased media. All during the George Zimmerman case, they tried to make Trayvon Martin look like some innocent little school kid, show pictures of him when he was just 12 years old. They also tried to make George Zimmerman out to be some evil racist hunting down black people. Current pictures of Trayvon Martin show him flipping off screens, wearing gangsta rap style clothes and a hoodie. Of course, the only current picture the media showed of Trayvon Martin was him in the hoodie as that became the staple of the race mongers theme. Whatever you think of the George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin case is your opinion. Many people thought OJ Simpson was guilty of killing Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman, but he got off. Did those evil white people riot, and start beating blacks after the verdict? No. Of course, that was just a couple of years after the blacks started rioting when they didn’t like the Rodney King verdict.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Building permit

I recently applied for a building permit for a new house. 

It was going to be 100 feet tall and 400 feet wide, with 9 gun turrets at various heights,
and windows all over the place and a loud outdoor entertainment sound system.

It would have parking for 20 cars, and I was going to paint it snot green with pink trim.

The City Council told me; “Forget it...AIN'T  GONNA HAPPEN!”;

I sent in the application again, but this time I called it a 'Mosque'.

Work starts on Monday!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Go on, I dare you

Here's a thought . . . . If you are ready for the adventure of a lifetime, try this:

Go to Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq or Iran illegally. Never mind immigration quotas, visas, international law, or any of that nonsense.  Demand a free house, benefits and food.

Once there, demand that the local government provide free medical care for you and your entire family.

Demand that all nurses and doctors be fluent in English, and that all food served to you in the hospital, be cooked according to your specifications.

Demand free local government forms, bulletins, etc be printed in English.

Procreate abundantly.

Deflect any criticism of this allegedly irresponsible reproductive behaviour with, 'It is a cultural thing; you wouldn't understand.'

Keep your original identity strong.
Fly your home country's national flag from your rooftop, or proudly display it in your front window, or on your car bumper.

Speak only English at home and in public, and make sure that your children do likewise.

Demand classes on English culture in the Muslim school system.

Demand a local country driving license and auto insurance

This will afford other legal rights and will go far to legitimise your unauthorised, illegal, presence in Pakistan, Afghanistan or Iraq

Drive around with no car tax or insurance and ignore local traffic laws.

Insist that the police teach English to all its officers.

Organise protest marches against your host country, inciting violence against non-white, non-Christians, and the government that let you in.
Good luck! You'll soon be dead...

It would never happen in Pakistan, Afghanistan Iraq or Iran (or any other country in the world for that matter) except in the:
UK, USA, or Canada because we are run by soft, politically correct politicians that are too scared to 'offend' anyone.